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About Me

For as long as I can remember, I have always loved people, loved their company, loved listening to their stories and when needed, I have offered them comfort and support. This interest has been with me since I was in high school, and I was reminded of it recently when I connected with some friends and shared our senior yearbook pages. Scrolling through the pictures, other than the fact that I hardly recognized myself, (especially since I look soooooo much better now) I noticed that under future plans,

I had written psychologist as a profession, which I believe truly reflected my passion to listen and help others. Fast forward to university, I ended up studying Business. At the time my parents believed that finding a job as a psychologist in the Middle East was virtually impossible. So there I was taking courses in economics and finance, yet all my electives were in psychology! I kept in the path that my parents willed, I graduated and worked in the field of business, I even got an MBA. Incidentally, my thesis was about PEOPLE and I proudly received a Suma Cum Laude for it!  But… in my heart, something was off and missing. While I was always surrounded by people, I wanted to connect more and on a deeper level with individuals.

Even though I was a good listener, when it came to my own wellbeing, health and nutrition, I was the worst and I always put myself last. It did not help that for most of my life, I had never struggled with my weight. Thin as I was, at my core I was the unhealthiest person you could ever meet. Staple foods for me included greasy burgers, cheesy pizzas and fatty desserts. And exercise… No thank you. Anything that required exertion on my part was just not for me!

My life took an unexpected turn when my mother was diagnosed with breast as well as lung cancer a couple of years ago. Although she has recovered now, this experience really shook me to the core and it was a wake up call for me. I believed my mother was a relatively healthy person, her only vice might have been some extra weight. She did not consume alcohol, did not smoke, and no one in her family had a history of cancer. So here comes this nasty disease and claims her body and I could not fathom why. I had so many questions and not many answers. In the midst of my confusion, pain and depression, sensing my plight, my Mom’s surgeon recommended I read a book: ‘How Not to Die?’ Although I bought it, I let it sit on my bedside table for some time, since I found the title so grim! When I finally got around to reading it, I went through the entire book in just three days. The basic message was that the most major life threatening diseases including breast and lung cancer are greatly affected by what we eat. In a nutshell, WE ARE WHAT WE EAT!

Curious as I was, the first thing I wanted to do was put this theory to the test. I slowly began to experiment by altering my diet and attempting to move away from the unhealthy processed foods I was having all the time. This was almost two years ago. Today, I am a very different person. I am more energetic, I go to the gym, I hardly ever get sick (My GP tells me I am THE model patient), I feel AMAZING about myself and above all, I am happier… Isn’t that something?

My journey so far has taught me to never underestimate my instincts and my passions and to seize the moment. So when I bumped into an old friend who had started health coaching, it was music to my ears, I had found my calling. I could now help others become better versions of themselves. I now know that eating healthy can transform lives for the better, inside and out, bit by bit. It worked for me, it can work for you too.

Rita Patatian

Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart.

- RUmi 

My Training

Integrative Institute of Nutrition ®


I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and I have received my education from the Integrative Institute of Nutrition ® in the US. I am also IAHC certified. I have received training on how to mentor, support and motivate diverse groups of people to help them achieve their personal health goals through lifestyle and behavioral adjustments. As a Heath Coach, I deliver a holistic and unique approach to overall health and happiness. With increasing awareness towards preventive care today, it is vital to create healthy as well as sustainable lifestyle changes.

My previous background was in business development and marketing. I have a bachelor’s degree from the American University of Beirut and a Masters in Business Administration from Maastricht School of Management.

About: My Training
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